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Talks & Discussions
As part of the Diversity Festival & Lincolnshire One Venues Creative Summer Stamford Diversity Group is hosting a series of events in the Arts Centre Gallery & Cinema
Friday, 26 August: 8 pm
Ukraine Film “Ruthenia: Restoring the Nation’s Code” by Natalia Yakovleva (In the cinema)
Tickets free but should be booked in advance. Cash donations welcome on the evening.
Gallery Bar Open
Wednesday, 31st August: 7.30 PM
Pint of Poetry Stamford Diversity Festival special event featuring poet John Bernard.
John Bernard is a Coventry based Poet, Rapper & Writer who uses his artistry to inspire, influence and invigorate his listeners with meaningful messages.
More information on Stamford Arts Centre website.
Gallery Bar Open
Thursday, 1st September: 7 PM
CLIMAX – “A durational multidisciplinary evening, presented as part of Stamford Diversity Festival, exploring the power of chosen family, dreams and desire, this cross section of performance, fashion, film and collaborative artwork celebrates the extraordinary community of voices who support, guide and educate me in all I do.”
We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.
Read more about the Creative Director and Designer Eden Loweth.
Friday 2nd September: 7 PM
‘A Fellow Traveller’
Artist Karen Neale talks about her Travelling Fellowship by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust , visiting UNESCO World Heritage Cities and Sites on the World Heritage List on a five months journey.
Gallery Bar Open
Past Events
Wednesday, 24 August: 7 pm
Daniel Martin Extreme Explorer: Seven Lessons Learnt From My Seven Favourite Places
Extreme athlete Dan Martin will discuss some of the highlights of his 40,000 miles of adventure expeditions through over fifty countries crossing Europe, Asia and Africa
Gallery Bar Open
Thursday, 25 August: 7 pm
‘Open Door’ evening of poetry, art, music featuring Stamford Poet Laureates Scott Coe and Daniel Paice.
Also featuring pianist Archie Maclennon
Gallery Bar Open